Outside of meditation, reflecting now, 2 days later … did those thoughts arise at all? Where are they? …
Are they any different in nature from the dream I had last night? Where has that gone?
They both had a sense of ‘realness’ at the time, but what substance remains of either? Both resonate, and seem to leave an emotional echo, but was either more or less ‘real’ than the other? ….
Both empty arisings ….. that echo in the present mind.
The echo of empty arisings
How do I know it is connected to those thoughts 2 days ago? How do I know I even had those thoughts 2 days ago? … my ‘recollection’ now … how do I know it is trustworthy recollection?

Like a dream, experiences of empty appearances … whether we call ourselves ‘awake’, or ‘dreaming’, it all has the same nature …. vivid and clear, unobstructed, and empty of all substantiality ….