a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Month: October 2004 Page 1 of 6

The ‘Is-ness’ of Things

One thing which has come to me over and over again in recent days is the profound ‘is-ness’ of things. By this, I don’t mean the ‘suchness’, to use Buddhist terminology. What I mean is that when I look at a leaf, it is extraordinary how ‘leafy’ it is …. the texture ripples with extraordinary ‘rippleness’ .. the colours are so vibrant .. greens are so ‘green’ … the sheen on the leaf is so ‘sheeny’ … the shape is so ‘leafy’ and on and on. Everything I look at …. My computer keyboard, the sunrise this morning, my cup, my hand, the carpet …. All are so vibrantly what they are .. such utterly, extraordinarily rich and full.

The 'Is-ness' of Things
The ‘Is-ness’ of Things

The ‘why’ question

Why is that? …. The inevitable ‘why’ question from myself! Well, I believe it is because as my meditation matures, then the clarity aspect of mind is becoming purified, and the conceptual overlay on sense perceptions is lessening its hold. As such, I directly perceive the sensory impressions from the first 5 senses more directly, without the veil of conceptual overlay – all the endless associations which that thing has had for me, and so see things much more clearly and vividly than before.

What is so profound for me is how amazing this world of sensory impressions really is. With the benefits of meditation, the sensory fatigue of the normal mind is cleared, and an openness to the richness of experience opens up. Much like ‘beginner’s’ mind’, and much like the sheer wonderment and openness of the small child but with intelligence and wisdom intact, the clarified awareness brings the world to life, and the sense of sacredness to the fore.

This ‘is-ness’ of things is so apparent. And yet.

The ‘is-ness’ melts away

And yet, when you continue to look deeply, the ‘is-ness’, this new found richness, the is-ness melts away, nowhere to be seen, as the emptiness of all impressions comes to view.

How amazing, that appearances are so magical, so vibrant, so utterly powerful in their charge, compared to the non-meditating mind.

And how amazing that none of it truly exists, at all ….. a phantasm which entices and entrances.

How Blessed!

….. my two old boy, sitting on my lap, clasped to me with his little hug, whilst I gently chant and meditate. Moments before, he was mid-tantrum, screaming and kicking … lost in his pain.

How beautiful to share those precious moments with him, 5 minutes together, with peace in our hearts.

…. how beautifully the meditation stilled his heart.

How blessed we all are.

Inspired: On the Feast of All Saints - The Painted Prayerbook The Painted Prayerbook
Inspired: On the Feast of All Saints – The Painted Prayerbook The Painted Prayerbook

My Identity is Portable

I was re-reading one of my favourite blogs this morning – Willow’s ‘Life as a Dervish‘ (blog no longer available). Her blog resonates really strongly, I guess because I’ve also lived abroad for many years in a totally different culture from the one that I was born into. And for me, that experience was just like meditation – a mirror which illuminated so much, so much that I previously took for granted and didn’t see, because it was just too close and familiar. But I get a sense in her blog that although it seems as though that new cultural experience is very alien, in a sense it’s actually more ‘home’ than ‘home’ ever was.

Whirling Dervishes painting by Shafique Farooq
Whirling Dervishes painting by Shafique Farooq

One phrase above all others has stuck in my mind from her postings is ‘My Identity is Portable’, which seems to keep popping up in my consciousness like a cork floating in water. I too have a sense of carrying an identity around with me .. not a solid one anymore, as in pre-Dharma days … where ‘I’ was ‘me’, and I knew who I was … and strongly attached myself to all manner of views about myself …. but more an amorphous shimmering visage, which mutates like a shadow play before my eyes, endlessly reinventing itself in colours and shapes, most-times reflecting back what is projected forward. An identity which tells more about what looks, than what is looked at …. which coalesces around thoughts and feelings at that moment …. an illusory solidity, which conspires to reassure, yet is ultimately groundless, absent, and a phantasm.

The luminous knowingness projects identity and world

Yet the magical display proceeds … and pops up here and there … a sense of continuity, a sense of centre …. a knowingness which lies behind both seeming identity and appearances that arise. This luminous knowingness which projects as both identity and world perceived … creator, knower, that which obstructs nothing, yet enables all to be …

All is not what it seems, so no wonder conventional notions seem complex, confused and paradoxical.

My Identity is Portable … nothing to get worked up about … just a magical display … in the mirror of ….. ?

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