a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Month: October 2004 Page 4 of 6

When Dreams Lie Broken

What do you do when your future disappears like a mirage, and all your plans lie broken ?

Years of work, moving forward, step by step, … then gone.

The road ahead disappears … but will another take its place?

Imagined future gone … but did it ever exist?

All that’s left is ‘don’t know’ … and faith. Faith that the way ahead will become clear. Faith that doors will open. Faith that all was not in vain.

Interesting ‘problem’ … like a death, a bereavement.

Loss and gain, happiness and pain. The winds keep on blowing ….

Painting by George Frederic Watts
Painting by George Frederic Watts

So what do you do?

Graceful Presence

After reading Meridith’s gracious comments on my blog, I ‘discovered’ hers ….

Today, with my friend’s words in my heart, I felt very calm, and centered. My interactions seem to bloom from a spiritual center today – full of warm and radiant light.

I opened my heart with each person I came into contact with. I listened more intently, and spoke openly with less restraint. When I am able to listen and speak from this space, there is a mystical quality in the interaction.

Today, I risked more, opening my heart more intentionally, and noticed subtle rewarding differences. The energy with others was gentler today. Eyes sparkled. Faces relaxed. Conversations became more real, honest, and hopeful.

Graceful Presence blog

Eh Ma Ho!

Meridith @ Graceful Presence blog
Meridith @ Graceful Presence blog

Beautiful expression of the opening of the heart …… what more is there to say!


An Autumn morning

Reveals her splendour;

Birds play at flight.


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