a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Month: July 2005

Live 8 and Dharma

The most powerful moment of the concerts for me was when Madonna brought on the Ethiopian woman who had last been seen as a blighted, starving child in a video shown at the Live Aid concerts 20 years ago.

Madonna and Birhan Woldu at Live 8
Madonna and Birhan Woldu at Live 8

It seemed inconceivable that the terrible wretch in the video was now the radiant and stunningly beautiful woman who seemed to glide across the stage. She truly seemed to appear as an angelic vision.

Birhan Woldu
Birhan Woldu

How emotional to know that at least one being had been rescued from that intense suffering by the caring and kind actions of beings on that day 20 years ago. If only one being was helped to this degree, then it was all worth it, but how many more were helped? It was extraordinary to know that yes, good things do happen in the world, (despite the news), and that the mass of people out there do act from generosity and kindness at least some of the time. Compassion is alive and well in the most unpromising of sources, perhaps.

For myself, I was struck afterwards that this moment was the conjunction of many things. The powerful effect seeing this woman had on me was the result of many causes and conditions coming together – dependent origination. Why it sparked so much off in me, (and seemingly not in others) was the direct result of all that which came together in the moment between me and the TV set. For others, different conditions obtained.

So there isn’t an inherent existence in anything. No two people will respond alike to any one thing, as there isn’t anything solid and final in what they watch, or in themselves. Just an infinity of conditions, ebbing and flowing, coming together and then dissipating, and perhaps unique conjunctions in a moment of time.

So where did my extraordinary response come from? My floods of tears on seeing her radiance, and her previously pitiful condition? What were the conditions that brought that about?

I don’t really know what they were, just that an infinity of conditions there must be. And that that is true in all situations in life, at all times. All that appears to arise is compounded, is it not? And all of it is empty of enduring substance.

Live 8 brought out compassion, and also some small glimpse of the nature of how things are. And it “changed the world”, as they say ….

Meditation on Mind

I thought I’d share some experiences in meditation …..

The Ocean and the Waves …. thoughts are like gossamer ripples on the surface of the ocean. Waves are not something other than the ocean. They are just an aspect of it, not different in nature. Thoughts kinda ripple on the surface of it. Really fragile hollow little things. How is it we get caught up in them so much and attach so much importance to them! They are so ephemeral and transcient and rainbow like! The image of the Magicians illusion is so true. They appear as though conjured up, and have no more substance than an illusion … and yet they plainly appear.

The Ocean and the Waves
The Ocean and the Waves

The origin of thoughts

The Origin …. where do thoughts come from? If the thought is intentional, i.e. I deliberately cause it to arise, then the thought seems as though it follows a current deep within or below, and the thought itself seems like a ripple on the surface. The current below, which feels much more powerful than the thought itself is what? … Intention …. or willful action …. volition. It is plainly apparent how intention seems to be of greater weight or consequence that the effect of the intention is, that is, the thought. I guess this experience matches up with the teaching on karma, which give such a ‘weight’ or significance to volitions. They are the driving forces of our suffering, and our experience. When viewing my mediation experience, thoughts seem so much less ‘substantial’ than intention does.

The destination of thoughts

Their Destination ….. where do thoughts go to? They seem like distant echoes. When the thought has gone, it appears to leave a trace, something which traces their prior existence. The thought itself though seems uttterly empty, and without substance. And the trace, the echo, is itself a thought of a kind, or perhaps not even that …. an echo of a thought, a pale reflection of what might have been, which has even less substance and solidity than that which it purports to recollect.

Expansive, open and spacious

All of it – thoughts, recollection of thoughts, still mind – all of it seems of the same nature …. expansive, open, spacious, and without enduring substance at all. Yet there are also echoes and illusions, which somehow appear or manifest within/around/through that open spaciousness. Located where? – nowhere, yet they seem to appear. Of what substance? – of nothing, yet they seem to appear. Of what significance? – how hard to judge. It seems as though ‘stuff happens’, yet its substance is wafer thin. Yet beings remain, suffering seems to be, and responding to this is the only thing which makes sense. What else makes sense in life? We all lick the honey off the razor’s edge …. how to help beings see what they are doing and stop such action?

This is the question ……

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