May 2008

Ryokan - Zen poet

Ryokan – The Winds have Died

The winds have died, but flowers go on falling; birds call, but silence penetrates each song. The Mystery! Unknowable, unlearnable. The virtue of Kannon. Ryōkan Taigu (良寛大愚) These incomparable words express so eloquently the mystery of inseparable emptiness and appearances. It’s also a stunning reflection on transience and the Deathless. How he holds both sets of […]

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Labels and Tags

Adding Labels and Tags

How fascinating it has been these last two days to go through this blog adding on labels or tags to each post, giving a signpost to what is contained within. It’s been fascinating reading snippets of so many of these postings, seeing what I was doing, and more importantly, seeing how I was experiencing things

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Classic iPod
General Buddhism

More Simplicity

Following on from yesterday’s reflection on the simple pleasure of sitting, just sitting – it struck me today how odd it is in a way that I can get so much joy from just looking at trees, the sky and the wind. I’d just finished meditating yesterday, and looked up and out at the trees.

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Commuters in Transit
General Buddhism

Simple Pleasure

I’ve found myself experiencing some wonderment recently, at how pleasurable simply sitting still is, and doing absolutely nothing, (other than remaining in awareness). Doing nothing? How much of my life is caught up in doing? How much of it is to do with getting somewhere, achieving something, or trying to somehow alter what actually is?

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