a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Aspiration of Great Perfection

The limitless expanse of emptiness
Is luminous with all-pervading light,
In clear mind sky, free from complexities,
The rainbow of phenomena shines forth.

Where neither confusion nor freedom has ever existed,
The father and mother of all, Universal Goodness,
Dwell in the secret great bliss beyond thought
Yet reveal the miracles of love’s unceasing play.

Whatever the eye sees is sacred vision,
Whatever the ear hears, the voice of truth,
Whatever thought arises in the mind,
Is own self-liberated self-awareness.

May all awaken to the great perfection!

source unknown
Longchen Nyingtik Field of Merit
Longchen Nyingtik Field of Merit


Vajrayana and the sacred and profane




  1. Hi there … just to be clear – that is not my writing here ….

    I wish! truly, I do! (for all beings)


  2. very beautiful, my Friend. You are blessed with sacred vision – you see the great perfection!

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