a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Beautiful Sky

Is there anything more beautiful in this world of ours than a deep blue, almost clear sky, with traces of white puffy cloud? How indescribable is the depth of that ‘blueness’ …. seen in mind, in the present, with full awareness?

Sky’s vast openness perfectly mirrors the nature of mind … open and unlimited, vivid and clear, yet utterly ungraspable.

What joy at seeing such beautiful appearances, and being reminded of what runs through all appearances …

How blessed!

Beautiful Blue Sky with White Clouds
Deep Blue Sky

perfectly mirrors the nature of mind

Note: I don’t mean to say ‘perfect’ in a way that suggests ‘exactly’. Sky does not have the luminous clarity of wakefulness that is the fundamental nature of our mind. But it does ‘perfectly’ point to the vast, open emptiness aspect which we label ’emptiness’.


The Seven Steps of Practicing Sojong


His Holiness 17th Karmapa in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


  1. indeed. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Anonymous


    Blessings! Love your blog. Thank you. Say, in your profile I cannot open a full size image of your very cool Thangka. Can you send it along?

    Yours in the Dharma,

    Jonathan Wildman
    Pittsburgh, PA USA

    • Chodpa

      Hi Jon, thank you for your kind comment. Regarding the thanka, itโ€™s an image I created, having modified a Thanka image. Iโ€™d be happy to send you the file, but donโ€™t have an email address for you ๐Ÿ™‚

      take care, and best wishes in the Dharma,


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