I’d like to just name-check ‘Blogmandu’, who’ve kindly nominated Luminous Emptiness in the ‘Best Kind and Compassionate Blog’ category of their 2005 awards for Buddhist blogging.

Blogisattva awards (no longer available)
The list of nominees is a wonderful resource for Buddhist orientated blogs … and a great starting point for finding insightful and thoughtful posts …..
best wishes to all involved … π
What a lovely message π
best wishes in the Dharma
>You must be alive and thinking >about blogging again, since you’ve >added a link to my new(ish) blog.
>I do hope that’s the case. I miss >your words of wisdom and kindness.
>Warm regards,
Thanks for that, signature103 π
>Very nice blog indeed and >congratulations.
You must be alive and thinking about blogging again, since you’ve added a link to my new(ish) blog.
I do hope that’s the case. I miss your words of wisdom and kindness.
Warm regards,
Yes, I just discovered it and without a such resources I would not have found your blog.
Very nice blog indeed and congratulations.