a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Blossoms on the Buddha

I was sitting in meditation yesterday on my bench in the garden. A light wind stirred the tree above me, and cherry blossoms gently floated down all around me.

I was reminded of the Buddha, on the night of his Enlightenment, turning the arrows and weapons of Mara into flower petals.

How poignant …..

How blessed …..

How wonderful indeed.

The Buddha, on the night of his Enlightenment
The Buddha, on the night of his Enlightenment


The Three Types of Suffering


Shangpa Rinpoche’s teachings on Chod


  1. What a beautiful moment of clarity.

  2. Anonymous

    I am the wind, the cherry blossoms, the bench, the garden, the tree, the buddha, Indeed, I am we.

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