
Machig Labdron

Echoes Beyond Time

I was reflecting this morning on how certain things seem to reach out to me from beyond time and space. They are so deep, so closely connected to me, indeed, they seem to be me in a sense, in the sense that I cannot separate or distinguish between them and me. For example, some dharma

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Je Gampopa Sonam Rinchen

Online Kagyu Study Group

I have been thinking recently about setting up a Online Dharma Study Group, and wondered if anyone out there was interested. Perhaps I could briefly describe what would be involved, and also some background to how it might be organised? The group study would centre around a Yahoo e-group, like those such as DWBN-chat, which

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Dakini with Blessings for the Ocean by Lasha Mutual

Dakinis of Coincidence

The more you practice, the more it happens. Things in the ‘outside’ world start reflecting your inner world. Auspicious Co-Incidence. Dependent Origination. Sitting meditating yesterday, eyes half open, facing out the window. In my meditation, Dakinis swirling like a snow storm, a whirlwind of Enlightened energy. Right then, at that point, outside the window, a

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Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet

Confused Dharma from Tibet

Last night I was watching the 1996 documentary on Tibet – ‘Time-Life’s Lost Civilizations – Tibet’. The documentary was well made, with some very powerful imagery and strong narrative relating to the distinctive contribution that Tibet has made to both spiritual practice and social and cultural development. The end of the documentary focussed on the

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Calypso 2 painting by David Kessler

Everything In Place

S’funny how from here, right now, it seems like everything is in place, is in exactly the right place! The practice = Chod The teachings = Mahamudra The teacher = Shangpa Rinpoche The lineage = Karma Kagyu What more could I need? Every circumstance that presents itself, whatever it is, I already have all that

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