a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Gotsampa – Seven Delights: A Song About Taking Difficult Circumstances to the Path


I came across this the other day .. what a delight! Taking everything onto the path … nothing is outside of the path, nothing is essentially problematic …. all is the path, all is mind, all is same taste …. 

Namo Ratna Guru !

When thoughts that there is something perceived and a perceiver
Lure my mind away and distract,
I don’t close my senses’ gateways to meditate without them
But plunge straight into their essential point.
They’re like clouds in the sky; there’s this shimmer where they fly;
Thoughts that rise, for me sheer delight!

When kleshas get me going and their heat has got me burning,
I try no antidote to set them right;
Like an alchemistic potion turning metal into gold,
What lies in kleshas’ power to bestow
Is bliss without contagion, completely undefiled;
Kleshas coming up, sheer delight!

When I’m plagued by god-like forces or demonic interference,
I do not drive them out with rites and spells;
The thing to chase away is the egoistic thinking
Built up on the idea of a self.
This will turn those ranks of maras into your own special forces;
When obstacles arise, sheer delight!

When samsara with its anguish has me writhing in its torments,
Instead of wallowing in misery,
I take the greater burden down the greater path to travel
And let compassion set me up
To take upon myself the sufferings of others;
When karmic consequences bloom, delight!

When my body has succumbed to attacks of painful illness,
I do not count on medical relief
But take that very illness as a path and by its power
Remove the obscurations blocking me,
And use it to encourage the qualities worthwhile;
When illness rears its head, sheer delight!

When its time to leave this body, this illusionary tangle,
Don’t cause yourself anxiety and grief;
The thing that you should train in and clear up for yourself is—
There’s no such thing as dying to be done.
Its just clear light, the mother, and child clear light uniting;
When mind forsakes the body, sheer delight!

When the whole thing’s just not working, everything’s lined up against you,
Don’t try to find some way to change it all;
Here the point to make your practice is reverse the way you see it,
Don’t try to make it stop or to improve.
Adverse conditions happen, when they do its so delightful—
They make a little song of sheer delight!

by Tibetan siddha, Götsampa
trans. Jim Scott/Anne Buchardi, Aug. 2, 1996,
Karme Chöling, Barnet, Vermont.


Reflections on Saraha, originator of Mahamudra


Devotion to Prajnaparamita


  1. Hi Lizzy … many thanks for dropping by, and your kind comment. Much of my practice involves working with pain and the various challenges my health brings ….

    do email me, or contact me if it would be useful to discuss more ….

    best wishes to you …


  2. Anonymous

    Thank you for your site. I love browsing it; especially loved this ‘sadhana poem’. I do a battle/dance with illness as my path and have found your observations helpful. Inspiring. Your mind seems so clear!

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