Hi there, just a quick post (and unusually personal post) to say that I’ve been in hospital for a week due to a slipped disc. It’s been a painful time, to say the least, but at least one which gave me much time for reflection.
It was very sad being in the hospital – there were a lot of very old people there in the ward with me, suffering greatly, many of whom were so lonely, and really disorientated, and really not with all their faculties. It was heartbreaking seeing them so.

Blessings, gratitude and joy
All in all it was an extraordinary experience in the hospital – so much going on around me, and so much opportunity to meditate, pray, and reflect on life. I’m struck so powerfully over how my life is so very full of blessings, and I felt much gratitude and joy whilst in hospital. There truly appears to be so much suffering in the world. And yet one sees people trying to alleviate the sufferings that beings undergo.
So much seemed to happen whilst in the hospital, yet what truly happened?
Something of a Bardo, an opening, a blessed chance to assume a somewhat altered vantage point, and have the space free from obligations to bring much awareness to bear.
How vicious indeed are the illusory sufferings of samsara ….. may all beings immediately awaken from forgetfulness
many thanks to you all 🙂
pain is my constant companion, and helping me with subtle and not so subtle promptings with my path!
best wishes to you all ….
I was in the hospital awhile back and I kind of came to the same conclusions. Being in a hospital certainly brings one’s priorities straight. We are indeed very blessed and it is so wonderful to see the great service and work that is being done to relieve suffering. Be well.
Al speaks my sentiments, exactly. Wishing you well, my Friend, and thank you for these teachable moments.
Hospitals, pain, intimations of mortality are great thought-provoking things. We are placed in a situation where our normal environment and routine is stripped away, where we are vulnerable, where we have time to think…
Makes me think that hspitals are great places for teaching.
I hope your pain serves you well, and diminishes quickly when it has served its purpose.