Immaculate Radiance: A Testament – Longchenpa

Today I came across Longchenpa’s final testament – The Immaculate Radiance. I found it profoundly moving, reading the words of this incomparable Dzogchen master who was giving his final teaching, just before he died. What a life he led. How could you begin to estimate his contribution, perhaps unlike that of any other?

At the age of 56 whilst addressing a huge crowd of disciples whilst ill, he is said to have unexpectedly started dictating his spiritual testament, aware of the approach of death.

His testament ranges across all aspects of the teaching and provides a concise summary of how to approach and realise the fruits of Dzogchen.

Longchenpa Drime Ozer - Longchen Rabjam
Longchenpa Drime Ozer – Longchen Rabjam

Joy at approaching death

Some of the final verses are especially poignant, pointed, and profound, addressing as they do his joy at his approaching death. It was his absolute unshakable confidence that stood out for me, alongside the joy:

My delight at death is much greater than

the joy of traders who have made their fortunes at sea,

the lords of the gods who have proclaimed their victory in war,

or those sages who are abiding in absorption.

Now, Perna Ledrel Tsal will not remain here much longer.

I go to secure the blissful and deathless nature.

Immaculate Radiance: A Testament

How clear that he’s not just filled with equanimity at the approach of death, but fully joyful to embrace and be embraced in it.

Wordly fortune or success holds no attraction for him, whether money, possessions, power or fame.

Neither does the highest of meditative absorptions – Jhana or Samadhi bear comparison to the joy he feels at approaching death. No fabricated state, however exalted can compare to the full realisation and absolute stabilisation of the recognition of minds true nature.

That nature is beyond death, as it is timeless and stands outside of time. What could touch its primordial purity? Its beyond space so how could this body, impermanent as it is, sully that pristine purity?

Blissful is the recognition of this state that is no-state, that is beyond states, beyond coming and going, beyond birth and death.

Life is finished, karma complete, prayer has no more power.

All worldly things are done with, this life’s show has ended.

Soon I will recognize in a single instant the extensive visions

Of the bardo realms as manifestations of my awareness

And take my place for evermore in the ground primordial.

Longchenpa is secure in the recognition that all his previous karma has unwound and resolved. In Rigpa there is no further karma created, as it is beyond the arising and ceasing all that appears.

Rigpa and the exhaustion of Karma

When we are introduced to Rigpa we recognise this empty, luminous nature, the nondual inseparability of awareness and appearances. We need to repeatedly rest in that Rigpa, in increasingly more challenging circumstances, so we may gain the unshakable confidence that there is no higher and more suitable practice for liberation. Then outside of formal meditation we rest in this Rigpa, letting experience be, allowing all appearances to self-arise and self-liberate. Over time our past karma unwinds, like a snake uncoiling and we are freed from its impact. As Longchenpa says

Life is finished, karma complete, prayer has no more power.

He knows there’s nothing more to be done. No prayer can improve that unshakable recognition of minds nature. That pristine purity cannot become greater, no matter how hard you try to manipulate it with actions or effort.

Soon I will recognize in a single instant the extensive visions

Of the bardo realms as manifestations of my awareness

And take my place for evermore in the ground primordial.

The visions of the Bardo

With the arising of the visions in the Bardo states Longchenpa knows that all that appears is none other than the expressive display of the nature of his mind. Just as appearances right now at that same display. Not external world, not me, not solid and real entities appearing before us – but rather the magical display of minds ultimate nature.

Recognising this Longchenpa says his knowledge of minds nature, his realisation of minds nature will be indistinguishable with minds nature itself. Fruition is non-separate from the Ground. That primordial state that is beyond all states.

Longchenpa Drime Ozer
Longchenpa Drime Ozer

Prayer for liberation

Let my own fortune inspire happiness in the minds of others,

And let this illusory life realize the benefit of liberation’s isle.

I pray that then we may meet again, my noble disciples,

And you will be made happy, delighted by the Dharma’s joys.

Now we shall have no further connections in this life.

I am an aimless beggar who is going to die as he likes.

Do not mourn my passing, but go on praying always.

This is my heart’s counsel, spoken for your benefit,

Like clouds of lotuses that bring joy to faithful bees.

Through the virtue of these words, may all beings

Of the three realms reach nirvāṇa, the primordial state.

Immaculate Radiance: A Testament

What a beautiful and poignant prayer for the well being of his disciples and for all beings – that they too may come to this highest realisation, this beyond time, beyond death, beyond becoming realm of bliss.

Blessed Longchenpa, king of the Dharma, how can we repay you for your incomparable kindness, guiding us to liberation?

How deeply I bow, with tears wetting my eyes.

Original source: Lotsawa House

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