a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Joy and Sadness

When you are born you cry,

but the whole world is overjoyed.

When you die the whole world cries,

but you may find the great liberation.

Bardo Thodol
Karma Lingpa
Happiness and sadness of life - painting by Purvasha Roy
Happiness and sadness of life – painting by Purvasha Roy


The Story




  1. My good friends … how wonderful to read your lovely messages of warmth and friendship ….

    It’s good to be back …. and looking forward to reading your blogs again!

  2. Dear Chodpa,
    I have missed you, dear Friend, and I look forward to your return. Until then, I hold you in the Light.

  3. Anonymous

    Good to discover your note, Chodpa. Hope there is healing progress for your family member.
    We’ll welcome your return.

  4. Good luck.

  5. many thanks for your kind comments …..

    I’ve had to take a trip due to family illness … and there’s been no internet where I’ve been. I have a brief stop-over here, where I’ve sent some mails, then another week out in the sticks.

    It’s really nice to hear your comments and am quite moved by that ….. thanks guys πŸ™‚

    take care and best wishes ….

  6. I sure miss reading this blog.

  7. Anonymous

    Thinking of you. Missing your “voice.” Hope you and your loved ones are well. May we all, eventually, swiftly find the Great Liberation.

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