Mahamudra Inspiration

One of the things that I really appreciate about Mahamudra is that there are instructions that seem to just ‘hit the mark’ for me. Sometimes I feel I need detailed instructions, and there are many of those.

There are primary texts such as those by Tilopa (The Six Words of Advice, The Ganges Mahamudra), Naropa (The View Concisely Put, A Summary of Mahamudra), Maitripa (Essential Mahamudra Verses), Milarepa, Saraha (A Song for the King), HH3 Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra), HH9 Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje (Pointing Out the Dharmakaya, Eliminating the Darkness of Ignorance), or Dagpo Tashi Namgyal (Clarifying the Natural State, Moonbeams of Mahamudra), for example.

Then there are commentaries or instructions, such as those by Thrangu Rinpoche, Daniel P. Brown or Peter F. Barth (also known as Lama Thapkhay) at one end of the scale, as it were – the traditional end, to those by Ken McLeod which attempt to teach without recourse to ‘mythic’ language.

Thrangu Rinpoche
Thrangu Rinpoche
Daniel P. Brown
Daniel P. Brown
Peter Felix Barth (also known as Lama Thapkhay)
Peter Felix Barth (also known as Lama Thapkhay)
Ken McLeod
Ken McLeod

Thrangu Rinpoche’s commentaries point the way like none other for me, being quite direct and very systematic. Ken McLeod’s teachings have been a revelation this year, once again opening out the path with clarity and great skillfulness.

Sometimes though, the simple pith instructions are what I need, such as the famous lines by Tilopa:

Let go of what has passed.

Let go of what may come.

Let go of what is happening now.

Don’t try to figure anything out.

Don’t try to make anything happen.

Relax, right now, and rest.


Today, it was Dagpo Tashi Namgyal, whose texts leave me in awe, yet are entirely practical and directly realisable.

Elevate your experience and remain wide open like the sky.

Expand your mindfulness and remain pervasive like the earth.

Steady your attention and remain unshakable like a mountain.

Brighten your awareness and remain shining like a flame.

Clear your throughtfree wakefulness and remain lucid like a crystal.

Dagpo Tashi Namgyal
Clarifying the Natural State

The quote above comes from ‘Clarifying the Natural State’, and gives wonderful, poetic images with which to relax the mind into its natural state, and let go.

Clarifying the Natural State: A Principal Guidance Manual for Mahamudra
Clarifying the Natural State: A Principal Guidance Manual for Mahamudra

Without rigorous argument or great detail, these lines present images for the heart, which seduce it into letting go into simplicity. And yet, within those evocative lines are also contained precise instructions for Mahamudra meditation, just clothed in poetic colours, rather than colder, harder prose.

May my mind always incline to realising Mahamudra.

May my mind learn to truly let go.

May my heart open to all beings’ sufferings,

And may I find the path that leads all beings to liberation.

Dagpo Tashi Namgyal
Clarifying the Natural State

3 thoughts on “Mahamudra Inspiration”

  1. “Because it is in the nature of spontaneous Coemergence, It is described as spontaneous Coemergence”.Dombipa

    “Maybe it´s time to crack the shell of duality”. Marpa to Milarepa.

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