a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Marpa’s Teaching from Saraha in a Dream

Compassion and emptiness are inseparable.
This uninterrupted flowing innate mind
Is suchness, primordially pure.
Space is seen in intercourse with space.
Because the root resides at home,
Mind consciousness is imprisoned.
Meditating on this, subsequent thoughts
Are not patched together in the mind.
Knowing the phenomenal world is the nature of mind,
Meditation requires no further antidote.
The nature of mind cannot be thought.
Rest in this natural state.
When you see this truth, you will be liberated.
Just as a child would, watch the behavior of barbarians.
Be carefree; eat flesh; be a madman.

Just like a fearless lion,
Let your elephant mind wander free.
See the bees hovering among the flowers.
Not viewing samsara as wrong,
There is no such thing as attaining nirvana.
This is the way of ordinary mind.
Rest in natural freshness.
Do not think of activities.
Do not cling to one side or one direction.
Look into the midst of the space of simplicity.

Marpa’s Dream Teaching from Saraha
The Life of Marpa the Translator: Seeing Accomplishes All
Marpa Lotsawa
Marpa Lotsawa
Mahasiddha Saraha the arrow-maker
Mahasiddha Saraha the arrow-maker


Calling Me Back Home


Sick and Well


  1. Yes indeed! thank you for that … it is, to be precise, Saraha’s teaching given to Marpa in a dream.

    best wishes to you ‘anonymous’!!!!

  2. Anonymous

    Saraha according to Marpa Luminous dream.

    LG 🙂

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