Examining Assumptions
General Buddhism

The Story

The other day something quite illuminating happened. I walked into a store, and saw in a distance the headline on a newspaper – “man stabbed by fork” on a local newspaper. Immediately in my mind, the following thoughts popped up …. “ah … local newspapers … always full of trivial news … like cats stuck

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Samsara and Nirvana - the Wheel of Life

Samsara and Nirvana

Where does the unsatisfactoriness of life come from? How is it that we experience pain or sorrow, frustration or unhappiness? What is the cause of experience of life as being imperfect? It’s all just a matter of perspective! The experience of Samsara Misunderstanding the nature of things we experience suffering. This is the experience of

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Health and Illness - 1857 Lithograph by Armand Gautier
General Buddhism

A Vantage Point

One of the nice things about being ill is that the circumstances of your life are rather different from ‘normal’, and as a result, it gives you a different vantage point from which to view how things are. Instead of the usual routine, you are forced into a different one, one which may well disrupt

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Frozen ice bubble

2 Days Later

Outside of meditation, reflecting now, 2 days later … did those thoughts arise at all? Where are they? … Are they any different in nature from the dream I had last night? Where has that gone? They both had a sense of ‘realness’ at the time, but what substance remains of either? Both resonate, and

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Padmasambhava / Guru Rinpoche

Verse 4 – Self-Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness – Karma Lingpa / Padmasambhava

Emaho! It is the single (nature of) mind which encompasses all of Samsara and Nirvana. Even though its inherent nature has existed from the very beginning, you have not recognized it; Even though its clarity and presence has been uninterrupted, you have not yet encountered its face. Even though its arising has nowhere been obstructed,

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