Chuang Tzu / Zhuangzi dreams of the butterfly

Butterfly’s Dreaming

I was reflecting that the sense of inseparability in my deity practice has recently taken on a new dimension. The quality of not being sure whether I was generating the deity and identifying with her (Machig Labdron), or she was generating me and identifying with me has been so strong. It seems so much more

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Thangka of Naropa

Songs of Naropa

I’m currently studying ‘Songs of Naropa’, a translation and commentary on two Mahamudra songs of Naropa by Thrangu Rinpoche. The book is wonderful, full of Thrangu Rinpoche’s usual systematic and insightful reflections. The Two Doha’s or spiritual songs in the book are new to me, the first time I’ve encountered them. Both are short, and

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Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet

Confused Dharma from Tibet

Last night I was watching the 1996 documentary on Tibet – ‘Time-Life’s Lost Civilizations – Tibet’. The documentary was well made, with some very powerful imagery and strong narrative relating to the distinctive contribution that Tibet has made to both spiritual practice and social and cultural development. The end of the documentary focussed on the

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Buddha's Eyes

Eyes Wide Shut

About a month ago I switched to always meditating with my eyes open, after pretty much always meditating with my eyes shut for the last 16 years. In the past I’d tried to switch, but found my ability to concentrate greatly impaired, so had reverted to keeping them shut. However, it has been 3 years

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