Vintage World Map, Henricus Hondius, 1663

Mantras, Relative and Ultimate Truth – Emptiness of Forms

As I’m substantially in agreement with you, with only differing emphasis (due to perhaps wishing to emphasise a different aspect of view and method), then I’ll only briefly comment on a couple of points ….. So my point here was that in fact there is not much difference between saying specifically “my body” or generally

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m Mani Padme Hum mantra

Mantras, Relative and Ultimate Truth – Appearance and Emptiness

Ah! one more reflection regarding visualisations and mantras *operating* at a relative level … something which I think if very important from a point of view of practice … In my limited understanding, both visualizations and mantras do operate on relative level. When you say ‘they operate’ it sounds like ‘they’ are doing the ‘operating’

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Zen monk meditating
Vajrayana Zen

Is Zen Vajrayana?

Hi, is Zen considered a Vajrayana ‘way’? I would say that it isn’t when considered by the most important criteria. If the major factor which distinguishes the Vajrayana from Mahayana and Hinayana is the fact that it uses the result as the path, whereas the other two yanas use the cause as the path, then

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