A painting and calligraphy by Hakuin Ekaku -a key figure in the Rinzai school of Buddhism
Mahamudra Zen

Soto and Rinzai Zen – Sutra, Tantra and Essence Mahamudra

Following on from the post: Is Zen Vajrayana? I believe there are various tradtions in Zen. Some of them may use result as a path. This is a really interesting question. I don’t think that any of the traditions practice result as path in the sense that Vajrayana teachings teach it. However, interestingly enough, Soto […]

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Zen monk meditating
Vajrayana Zen

Is Zen Vajrayana?

Hi, is Zen considered a Vajrayana ‘way’? I would say that it isn’t when considered by the most important criteria. If the major factor which distinguishes the Vajrayana from Mahayana and Hinayana is the fact that it uses the result as the path, whereas the other two yanas use the cause as the path, then

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