Luminous Emptiness

a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Ryokan – The Winds have Died

The winds have died, but flowers go on falling;

birds call, but silence penetrates each song.

The Mystery! Unknowable, unlearnable.

The virtue of Kannon.

Ryokan, poet of The Winds have Died
Ryokan, poet of The Winds have Died

These incomparable words express so eloquently the mystery of inseparable emptiness and appearances. It’s also a stunning reflection on transience and the Deathless. How he holds both sets of seeming opposites, and reveals their nondual inseparability.

Poignant and profound indeed 🙂

Seongcheol – Snowflakes Melting on Fire

The great achievements of the world are but snowflakes melting on fire,

Accomplishments that move oceans are but dew disappearing in the glare of the sun,

Why live a dream in this ethereal life of dreams,

I forsake all to walk towards the great eternal truth.

Toeong Seongcheol
Korean Seon (Zen) Master – on becoming a monk.
Toeong Seongcheol
Toeong Seongcheol

I was just laughing to myself whilst meditating. I’d not got too much sleep last night from the pain, so was more ‘vegetating’ rather than meditating!

Nevertheless, whilst working with the drowsiness and general dullness which advanced and retreated like waves, I suddenly remembered Seongcheol, and his example. He was well known for being able to not just keep awareness of minds nature throughout the day, continuously, but also throughout dreaming *and* deep sleep too.

And I can’t maintain alertness for more than a few moments even in formal meditation posture!

I’m entirely in awe of this great master 🙂

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