Luminous Emptiness

a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Simple Pleasure

I’ve found myself experiencing some wonderment recently, at how pleasurable simply sitting still is, and doing absolutely nothing, (other than remaining in awareness).

Doing nothing?

How much of my life is caught up in doing? How much of it is to do with getting somewhere, achieving something, or trying to somehow alter what actually is?

Commuters in Transit
Commuters in Transit

Simply sitting, resting the body, resting the mind, and allowing what is to simply be in awareness – what an amazing thing that is. How little there actually is to say about it … how little can be expressed in words. How do you convey an inner experience, one which is utterly intangible and ineffable, into words that somehow convey something to another being?

I don’t know, and guess that’s part of why I’ve not posted here much over the last year. Seems like it goes in cycles, sometimes feeling a great desire to share, to attempt to cross the divide. Other times, the inclination is to remain with what is, and just allow it to be what it is.

The waves and the ocean are what they are. Can we taste them for what they are? Can we see appearances for what they are and follow their luminous flickering path in awareness?

No direction in this blog, just like there is no direction in mind, in experience.

Just what is.


How beautiful simply sitting can be.

What’s your Poison?

One familiar grouping of emotional obscurations in Buddhism is the five poisons – greed, hatred, pride, jealousy and ignorance. I was reflecting this morning that my predominant poison has changed from what it was 6 months ago … so ….

Let’s ‘name and shame’ !!!!


My predominant poison at present is anger / hatred. (It’s the desire to push things away, to reject aspects of experience and seek to move away from them).

6 months ago it was Pride. Previous to that, I was predominantly craving or greed.

Hmm …. interesting the change. Nothing stays the same … all that arises ceases.

I always remember a teaching that the Buddha gave in the Pali sutta’s, of how the person with anger is like someone with a red hot coal in his hand, who is trying to throw it at someone else …. but, the coal just stays in your hand. Likewise, your anger, which seeks to harm another, but actually primarily harms yourself, (as well as them).

Let me focus on and watch Anger, and see how this is ….

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