Luminous Emptiness

a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Devotion to Prajnaparamita

I was reflecting this morning on how much devotion images of the deity Prajnaparamita bring forth from me.

Given that she is the deity who represents Wisdom, rather than Love, Compassion, Patience and so on …. how interesting that she inspires so much devotion in me.

Prajnaparamita image

Pretty much every image I’ve ever seen of her makes we want to rest the image on the top of my head, and offer gratitude to her. Maybe the fact that there are so few images and statues of her historically, compared to other deities, is something to do with this .. how wonderful it actually is to come across one 🙂

Then again, I reflect that karma and connections seems such a strong factor here … I can see images of Green Tara, say, and though I have a connection there, and even *wish* that I felt more towards her, I don’t have anything of the same feeling. It’s as if Prajnaparamita is ‘plumbed into me’ .. and goes right to my core. Like I recognise that she’s part of me, no, inseparable from my mind.

Image of Prajnaparamita from the Astasahasrika Sutra
Image of Prajnaparamita from the Astasahasrika Sutra

Then again, Prajnaparamita is the textual basis of my practice, of Chod, so there’s a close connection there, but this feel for her predated my contact with Chod by many years. Of course, that karmic connection was already there, awaiting awakening.

Once again, my orientation is always towards Wisdom, rather than other Enlightened qualities, so it would make sense that Prajnaparamita as a deity would appeal. Yet, there’s more to it than that … as it is fervent devotion and homage that is brought forth … not intellectual appreciation, or anything more ‘cold’ or ‘dispassionate’.

The more she represents Wisdom, the more she calls forth Devotion from me, it seems.

It reminds me of how in Guru Devotion, one is devoted to the Dharma through the Guru, not really the Guru himself, in his relative conditioned aspect. All this devotion to the Guru, which flows forth from the heart, is, in one sense, channeled towards wisdom, or reality itself …. or realities, perhaps I should say? In the face of what is, one feels Devotion … why? Because there is a recognition and a yearning … the recognition of a seed within, yet to come to fruition … and the yearning for coming home, once that home has been recognised.

Her images seem so close to my innermost heart .. like she is the secret who resides within, who is my ultimate aspect, who is the mirror of both my aspirations and my actual nature.

Blessed Prajnaparamita …. goddess of Wisdom …. I supplicate you with my innermost Heart!

Gotsampa – Seven Delights: A Song About Taking Difficult Circumstances to the Path


I came across this the other day .. what a delight! Taking everything onto the path … nothing is outside of the path, nothing is essentially problematic …. all is the path, all is mind, all is same taste …. 

Namo Ratna Guru !

When thoughts that there is something perceived and a perceiver
Lure my mind away and distract,
I don’t close my senses’ gateways to meditate without them
But plunge straight into their essential point.
They’re like clouds in the sky; there’s this shimmer where they fly;
Thoughts that rise, for me sheer delight!

When kleshas get me going and their heat has got me burning,
I try no antidote to set them right;
Like an alchemistic potion turning metal into gold,
What lies in kleshas’ power to bestow
Is bliss without contagion, completely undefiled;
Kleshas coming up, sheer delight!

When I’m plagued by god-like forces or demonic interference,
I do not drive them out with rites and spells;
The thing to chase away is the egoistic thinking
Built up on the idea of a self.
This will turn those ranks of maras into your own special forces;
When obstacles arise, sheer delight!

When samsara with its anguish has me writhing in its torments,
Instead of wallowing in misery,
I take the greater burden down the greater path to travel
And let compassion set me up
To take upon myself the sufferings of others;
When karmic consequences bloom, delight!

When my body has succumbed to attacks of painful illness,
I do not count on medical relief
But take that very illness as a path and by its power
Remove the obscurations blocking me,
And use it to encourage the qualities worthwhile;
When illness rears its head, sheer delight!

When its time to leave this body, this illusionary tangle,
Don’t cause yourself anxiety and grief;
The thing that you should train in and clear up for yourself is—
There’s no such thing as dying to be done.
Its just clear light, the mother, and child clear light uniting;
When mind forsakes the body, sheer delight!

When the whole thing’s just not working, everything’s lined up against you,
Don’t try to find some way to change it all;
Here the point to make your practice is reverse the way you see it,
Don’t try to make it stop or to improve.
Adverse conditions happen, when they do its so delightful—
They make a little song of sheer delight!

by Tibetan siddha, Götsampa
trans. Jim Scott/Anne Buchardi, Aug. 2, 1996,
Karme Chöling, Barnet, Vermont.

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