Luminous Emptiness

a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Waking Up?

The most amazing thing about my life …. is that after going to sleep at night …. each morning …. I wake up again!

When I really think about this …. no …. really think about this …. how extraordinary that life continues throughout my dullness during sleep, during my unconsciousness …. and somehow I stay alive, somehow my body keeps functioning, somehow my karma doesn’t give up supporting this life …… somehow ….. how? ….. somehow I hang on to this thread of life, this precious opportunity ….

which I then fritter away with petty distractions!

What an act of faith it would be to go to sleep, and to have faith that I will wake up tomorrow!

But it isn’t an act of faith …. it’s an act of ignorance … ignorance of Impermanance and Death …. of blocking out how fragile life is, and how precious life is ….

Amazing to wake up each morning ……

Now, if I could only ‘wake up’ today !


Blogisattva Award Nominations

I’d like to just name-check ‘Blogmandu’, who’ve kindly nominated Luminous Emptiness in the ‘Best Kind and Compassionate Blog’ category of their 2005 awards for Buddhist blogging.

Blogisattva awards
Blogisattva awards

Blogisattva awards (no longer available)

The list of nominees is a wonderful resource for Buddhist orientated blogs … and a great starting point for finding insightful and thoughtful posts …..

best wishes to all involved … 🙂

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