Luminous Emptiness

a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Shamatha With and Without Objects said…

Your instruction is very nice (refers to previous post ) but since I am new to meditation I have to focus on something, such as my breath or my just below my bellybutton. Because if I don’t do that, my wandering thought is uncontrollable.

Is this wrong?

Hi there, my apologies for my late replies to these comments – many things have been taking my time and attention of late!

Yes, absolutely – if you are at a stage where having an object of concentration helps you, then focus on it!

The 9 Stages of Shamatha
The 9 Stages of Shamatha

Isn’t it always the case that what is best is relative to where one is at? Some people find shamatha with an object the best approach for a long time, others find shamatha without an object the best. I suspect that most people find shamatha without an object to the the harder of the two, as it’s in a sense the opposite to what we do most of the time in life – which is to draw into and identify with one or other object which arises in our mindstreams. We are so used to ‘losing ourselves’ in the objects that arise in consciousness that it’s perhaps easiest to focus on an object in meditation, rather than on ‘no object’. But of course, with practice, either becomes possible.

My previous post referred to my own particular situation – for where I’m at now.

Please do carry on with what works best for you … and very best wishes to you!

Nothing to Meditate On

How hard it can be to leave things are they are!

How hard it can be to not try to do something in meditation, and to not try to have an object. How hard to not contaminate your meditation by trying to find something, to correct something, or to judge it as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

Sometimes we judge our meditation as bad because we’ve not meditated much lately, and disturbing thoughts seems to proliferate more than before.

Sometimes we judge our meditation as bad because we get ‘lost’ in those thoughts, and they sweep us away, rather than seeing them for what they are, just empty appearances seemingly arising.

Bad meditation?
Judging a meditation as bad?

Sometimes we reject what is, our natural state of mind, and wish to substitute another for it, one that is somehow more pure, or more still, or more realised.

We don’t need to meditate on anything, or take anything as an object, or reject or accept anything at all.

Resting in mind’s natural state

Simply allow ourselves to rest in minds nature, without beings swept away by thoughts and appearances that seem to arise …..

How wonderful it is when one just rests in the minds natural state, without trying to make it other than what is.

How wonderful when one just watches the arising of thoughts, not lost in them, but seeing them for what they are.

How wonderful when the mind naturally stills and pacifies, simply through simply looking, without manipulation.

How wonderful to not fabricate, to not seek to bring something about, and to allow to settle and unfold naturally.

Mahamudra’s ordinary mind

How wonderful these Mahamudra instructions, which reveal our natural Mahamudra, our mind-as-it-is … ordinary mind.

How wonderful indeed, to taste the bliss of meditation, and the same taste of all phenomena.

How fortunate indeed are we who contact these teachings, these teachers, these precious opportunities.

Do we take advantage of this precious congruence of conditions … which presents itself before us?

The greatest gift, the secret of happiness … the route to peace for all ….

How wonderful!

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