Luminous Emptiness

a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Parenting Mindfully Reminders

Somebody sent me this wonderful list of Mindfulness reminders for Parents – unfortunately, I don’t know where this list originated from ….

1. Take time to practise mindfulness around your children to help them grow up feeling noticed, heard, and understood.

2. Wake up to the abundance of special moments in the most ordinary of days.

3. Cultivate the “Beginner’s Mind” which sees every moment with fresh eyes and responds to what the moment requires.

4. Look deeply to learn who your children are rather than projecting your hopes, fears and expectations onto them.

5. Use mindfulness to discover what you can learn from each situation – are you making unrealistic demands on life or are you accepting the inevitable imperfection?

6. Observe the comings and goings of your own body sensations, emotions and thoughts to cultivate the self-awareness that helps you grow.

7. Avoid creating grievances to fit your passing emotional states.

8. Be aware of any tension building up throughout the day and consciously release it.

9. Notice your surroundings.

10. Remember that mindful living provides you with energy, calmness and the potential for insights.

11. Realise that you have the power to choose your emotional responses – stressed and irritated or spacious and accepting.

12. As you observe the details of the present moment, avoid rating them “good” or “bad”, “pleasant” or “unpleasant”.

13. Remember you can practise mindfulness no matter what you are doing.

14. Whenever you find the time, even if it’s 1 minute, meditate.

15. Realise that the only moment you can work with is the present, so use it to create good karma for the future.

16. Expect and accept your failures to be mindful. Be patient with yourself.

Mindful Parenting
Mindful Parenting

What Would a Buddha Do?

In response to:

What would Buddha actually do in case, He was in my shoes? In case Buddha was in my shoes, He would look like a common person, totally “normal”. One couldn’t realize Him from the outside as being an Awakened One.

One thing that springs to mind here is dependent origination. Beings or indeed things are not ‘just like this’, a particular way, fixed and objective, as it were. How beings appear to you would be dependent on many, many factors, and thus a Buddha (just like anyone else) would appear to each person in a unique way, dependent on all the operating conditions.

In a sense, the way that they would appear to you would be dependent on your own realisation. Thus you would see the Buddha in either his Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya or Dharmakaya aspects.

Buddha appearing
Buddha appearing

Devotion Ripens the Heart

I was just reflecting on how devotion really opens one’s heart up to the blessings of the Buddhas and Gurus. I added some materials to my teachers website last night, and the words of Shangpa Rinpoche’s reflections and prayers really touched my heart deeply. Though I wasn’t present at the celebration when he spoke the words, and only have some strange shapes on a computer monitor … the words themselves … the effect of those squiggles and shapes was quite profound. How moved I was, and how uplifted my heart!

It’s amazing how deep your Guru’s words go, when devotion prepares the ground. I wonder if those words had been spoken by another teacher whether they would have hit the mark in quite the same way? I’m reminded by how a thanka or rupa which you’ve meditated before takes on such a different character to one which I’ve only seen once or twice. As devotion flows in practice before the image or statue, so that representation seems to become the locus or focus of blessings, which flow into your heart and allow the flowering of such good qualities in ones mindstream.

Devotion has such profound effects. No wonder that Guru Devotion is the heart of the Kagyu path!

Guru Devotion
Guru Devotion

My Guru’s profound words:

May the lights of wisdom always shine forth in the hearts and the minds of each and every one of you, fearless in the darkness of ignorance and courageously against the bitter cold winds of negative karma, obstacles, obscuration and the defilements of Samsara.

May it always fill each and every one of your hearts with the warmth of boundless compassion and the bliss of infinite wisdom of The Completely Enlightened Ones!

May all be auspicious!

Shangpa Rinpoche

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