Classic iPod
General Buddhism

More Simplicity

Following on from yesterday’s reflection on the simple pleasure of sitting, just sitting – it struck me today how odd it is in a way that I can get so much joy from just looking at trees, the sky and the wind. I’d just finished meditating yesterday, and looked up and out at the trees. […]

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Commuters in Transit
General Buddhism

Simple Pleasure

I’ve found myself experiencing some wonderment recently, at how pleasurable simply sitting still is, and doing absolutely nothing, (other than remaining in awareness). Doing nothing? How much of my life is caught up in doing? How much of it is to do with getting somewhere, achieving something, or trying to somehow alter what actually is?

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General Buddhism

What’s your Poison?

One familiar grouping of emotional obscurations in Buddhism is the five poisons – greed, hatred, pride, jealousy and ignorance. I was reflecting this morning that my predominant poison has changed from what it was 6 months ago … so …. Let’s ‘name and shame’ !!!! My predominant poison at present is anger / hatred. (It’s

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White Tara - Bodhisattva of compassion

Deepening Compassion

I thought I’d therefore share some further reflections on Gampopa’s threefold classification of Compassion (from The Jewel Ornament of Liberation). Compassion with reference to Sentient beings Gampopa’s first category – ‘Compassion with reference to Sentient beings’ is simply the desire to help beings when we see that they are suffering. However, due to our level

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Gampopa Sonam Rinchen

Reflections on Gampopa – Compassion with Reference to Sentient Beings, Reference to Dharma, and without Reference Point

In a sense, what distinguishes the three types of Compassion that Gampopa sets out in ‘Jewel Ornament of Liberation’ is the development and level of our Compassion and our Wisdom. With the first, Compassion with reference to Sentient Beings, we see beings suffering, and we feel a response to that suffering which is our compassion.

Reflections on Gampopa – Compassion with Reference to Sentient Beings, Reference to Dharma, and without Reference Point Read Post »


Chod Aspiration Prayer

Similar to the sun as it rises in the sky, may this sacred Chod practice that cuts demons Flourish in all directions and at all times. Drogon Karma Chagmed These words, which come towards the end of my Chod practice, always resonate deeply, seeming to come from deep within, and seeming to connect with something

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