
Gotsampa – Seven Delights: A Song About Taking Difficult Circumstances to the Path

I came across this the other day .. what a delight! Taking everything onto the path … nothing is outside of the path, nothing is essentially problematic …. all is the path, all is mind, all is same taste ….  Namo Ratna Guru ! When thoughts that there is something perceived and a perceiverLure my […]

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The Buddha, on the night of his Enlightenment

Blossoms on the Buddha

I was sitting in meditation yesterday on my bench in the garden. A light wind stirred the tree above me, and cherry blossoms gently floated down all around me. I was reminded of the Buddha, on the night of his Enlightenment, turning the arrows and weapons of Mara into flower petals. How poignant ….. How

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The Three Types of Suffering

In the ‘Jewel Ornament of Liberation’, Gampopa (as do other teachers of orthodox Dharma) asserts that there are three types of suffering, which are: 1 – the suffering of suffering2 – the suffering of change3 – all-pervasive suffering The suffering of suffering In brief, the suffering of suffering is simply the stuff that really hurts,

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The Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje

Reflections on All is Mind, from the Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra

Appearance is mind and emptiness is mind. Realisation is mind and confusion is mind. Arising is mind and cessation is mind. May all doubts about mind be resolved. from The Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra3rd Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje How radically different this view is to how my mind often gravitates …. into seeing solid appearances ‘out

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Je Gampopa Sonam Rinchen
General Buddhism

It’s All Good!

I remember very clearly my new boss at a company telling me (upon my finding out that he was a Buddhist and asking him what practices he does), that he doesn’t practice, that he’s taking a ‘holiday’ in this life, and that he’ll practice in the next life. It struck me at the time that

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General Buddhism

Waking Up?

The most amazing thing about my life …. is that after going to sleep at night …. each morning …. I wake up again! When I really think about this …. no …. really think about this …. how extraordinary that life continues throughout my dullness during sleep, during my unconsciousness …. and somehow I

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Blogisattva awards
General Buddhism

Blogisattva Award Nominations

I’d like to just name-check ‘Blogmandu’, who’ve kindly nominated Luminous Emptiness in the ‘Best Kind and Compassionate Blog’ category of their 2005 awards for Buddhist blogging. Blogisattva awards (no longer available) The list of nominees is a wonderful resource for Buddhist orientated blogs … and a great starting point for finding insightful and thoughtful posts

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