In response to a further question, asking

Which qualities of mind do not pertain to Buddha Nature – is not everything an expression of mind, and primordial wisdom?

I think I can see why you say this, and feel this way. In one sense it is so … all that appears to arise has the same nature, that of being apparent, yet empty. But, the teachings on Buddha Nature seem to point to something else here, which is the difference between those aspects of mind which are viewed as adventitious defilements, and those which are Buddha Nature.

For example, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso:

All the beings’ flaws are unreal — mere confused and impermanent appearances, because actually the Buddha Nature is originally perfect. It is empty of the separable, which are the fleeting stains, but not empty of the inseparable, which are the unsurpassable qualities.

How is this possible? Because the stains of confusion are not intrinsic to the essence of mind, so they can be removed, whereas the qualities of enlightenment are the nature of mind, so they cannot be removed.

Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso
Buddha Nature

This is of course a Shentong view, and would be contradicted by Rangtongpas.

Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Not rejecting aspects of experience

Coming to your point below … I can understand what you are saying, and can see the strength in not rejecting any of your experience or in being attached to the labels of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in relation to aspects of mind. I can also understand what you are saying about the positive changes in the balance of mental states as a result of practice.

Inherent qualities of mind

However, I think the questioner you originally mentioned in your first email was pointing at what looked like a contradiction in the teachings, which was that certain qualities are accepted as somehow ‘ultimate’ or innate qualities of mind, and others aren’t.

For example, how compassion is a quality of mind, and uncompassion, the opposite of compassion – ill-will, is not. And that issue is to do with what Buddha Nature is actually pointing to in those teachings.

very best wishes to you ….