a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Shangpa Rinpoche’s teachings on Chod

Shangpa Rinpoche
Shangpa Rinpoche

How often it’s stuck me over the years that I am ultimately blessed to have received the teachings on Chod from Shangpa Rinpoche!

So often I’m at a particular place in my sadhana, and gratitude and joy flood through my mind, realising what an extraordinary thing this is, this Chod of Mahamudra practice. So often I have this sense that what I am doing is echoing down through the ages, with countless beings having practiced this very same profound and so very precious text that I have before me. So often I feel that this echoing comes from beyond time, from beyond anything that makes sense to me, and which seems incomprehensible to the rational mind.

I feel the blessings of this practice, which arises like the sun to illuminate beings with the warmth of its rays, and sense the presence of Rinpoche, guiding me in my practice. Inseparable from any of the great Beings, or of any of the masters who’ve taught the Chod.

Inseparable from Machig Labdron, who created this Chod …

Machig Labdron
Machig Labdron

…. how can one value something such as this, or repay the debt of gratitude one feels?

Words seem inadequate, somehow, in trying to express this.

Yet it feels like something worthy of attempt ….

How blessed indeed!


Blossoms on the Buddha


Reflections on Saraha, originator of Mahamudra


  1. Thank u for so many teaching that u post here… my blog u can also see
    i live here in dharamsala ,india

  2. Anonymous

    Thank you for your compassionate “sharing” and your willingness to make a positive difference on the planet. May you live long and prosper to help dispel the misery and be the good example for all you meet. Be both humble and brave and a peacemaker too. Many blessings–a fellow selfless servant (and peace be with you always).

  3. Anonymous

    greetings… i am so pleased to connect with you Chodpa & thanks for visiting… i am blessed that my blog sangha is blooming with so many positive souls…

    much peace & happiness…


  4. Anonymous

    What is “Chod,” exactly? Is it a text in and of itself? You mentioned “Chod of Mahamudra.” I’m familiar with “Mahamudra,” but unclear about what “Chod” means. Thanks.

  5. At the same time, what I admire infinitely about Buddhism is that as large as that gratitude is, we are asked to truly make it our own; to become, rather than to worship. While I’m not Buddhist, I’ve been profoundly influenced by Buddhist practice.

    I feel that Jesus was a terribly misunderstood Buddha-like individual. Speculation of course – unlike the Buddha (whose name I unfortunately never remember how to spell), he didn’t live into old age. So our picture of Jesus strikes me as much less reliable, since the authors of the New Testament didn’t personally know him, and they made what to me look like their theological misapprehensions central to the texts they wrote.

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