I’m currently studying ‘Songs of Naropa’, a translation and commentary on two Mahamudra songs of Naropa by Thrangu Rinpoche. The book is wonderful, full of Thrangu Rinpoche’s usual systematic and insightful reflections. The Two Doha’s or spiritual songs in the book are new to me, the first time I’ve encountered them. Both are short, and suitable for learning by heart as complete guides to the Mahamudra path.
How fortunate indeed to be able to encounter such teachings, to have guides on the way, and to be able to make sense of and utilise such instruction!
The basic nature is in itself the state of realization of all buddhas.
To fully awaken to this natural state, it is not necessary to go to some other place to reach enlightenment.
The state of enlightenment is not extrinsic to ourselves.
Buddhahood is not something that will appear suddenly in the future, but exists inherently within ourselves right now.
Songs of Naropa
Thrangu Rinpoche

Above is one of my favourite images of Naropa – so beautiful. His life story is full of his incredible trials at the hands of his guru, Tilopa.
This image conveys so much of Naropa’s kindness and compassion.