a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

Suffering and Karma

Yesterday morning as I was driving along a cat suddenly shot out from the woods and into the path of my car. In an instant my rear wheel hit the cat. In my rear mirror I could see it jumping around on the road, obviously in pain. The poor thing … what would I give to not have been on that road at that time, or for the cat to have sped out from the trees moments later than it did! How painful replaying the images of what happened throughout the day. The poor thing.

Today I wondered how it came to be that we both met in that point of time. What actions had we taken to lead us to that point … what actions came to fruition at that point for both of us?

Split seconds either way, it wouldn’t have happened. But it did, just as it did.

My poor friend, why did I do that to you? I pray for your wellbeing and freedom from suffering. I’m so sorry for my part in your suffering πŸ™‚


Devotion to Prajnaparamita


The Seven Steps of Practicing Sojong


  1. Thank you my friends out there, for your kind and compassionate comments.

    may you both be well and happy,


  2. Anonymous

    I had an experience a few years ago that was nearly identical, except I hit a squirrel. I remember watching the animal hop awkwardly around in semi-paralyzed agony in my rear view mirror. I blamed myself for it a bit, because I was rushing too much, but it really wasn’t my fault despite the rushing. I know how you feel. That kind of thing is an unpleasant little karmic intersection for everyone involved.

  3. Chodpa,
    I feel your compassion so strongly. There is nothing to do, nothing one can say to make it better. It just is, and without judgement, it still just is.
    Warmth and perfection,

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