Dependent origination

White Tara – Bodhisattva of compassion

Deepening Compassion

I thought I’d therefore share some further reflections on Gampopa’s threefold classification of Compassion (from The Jewel Ornament of Liberation). Compassion with reference to Sentient beings Gampopa’s first category – ‘Compassion with reference to Sentient beings’ is simply the desire to help beings when we see that they are suffering. However, due to our level

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Useless Activity

Useless Activity?

When it really gets down to it, how much of our activity is quite simply ‘useless’? I don’t mean that it has no use at all on a mundane level, but that it is so conditioned, so led by instinct or habit, so unconscious or below awareness or choice, or simply so trivial, superficial and

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Birhan Woldu
General Buddhism

Live 8 and Dharma

The most powerful moment of the concerts for me was when Madonna brought on the Ethiopian woman who had last been seen as a blighted, starving child in a video shown at the Live Aid concerts 20 years ago. It seemed inconceivable that the terrible wretch in the video was now the radiant and stunningly

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Having a lot of baggage
General Buddhism

Faith and Emptiness

It seems that for many people the word ‘Faith’ is problematic. Formany people, the reason why is become of the negative connotationsthat they have with that term. For some, that is based on badexperiences they had with previous religious affiliations, or contactwith those of other religions. For some, it is because they wish thisreligion of

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Samsara and Nirvana - the Wheel of Life

Samsara and Nirvana

Where does the unsatisfactoriness of life come from? How is it that we experience pain or sorrow, frustration or unhappiness? What is the cause of experience of life as being imperfect? It’s all just a matter of perspective! The experience of Samsara Misunderstanding the nature of things we experience suffering. This is the experience of

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Scott Hutchison Painting – Decision
General Buddhism


Sometimes you are faced with decisions which seem to have massive consequences, whichever choice you take. Sometimes that choice seems to lead to very mixed results, whichever choice you take. How can you see which choice to take? Life is so surprising in how it plays out. It’s so hard to ‘guess’ the future, to

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The second battle of Fallujah
General Buddhism

Always Taking Sides

This last few days I’ve been reading blogs from soldiers fighting in Iraq. I’ve also been reading the comments on those blogs, and some related materials from people around the world. The recurring theme throughout those comments has been how polarised people seem to be in their views. They are either ‘for’ or ‘against’ the

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