
The First Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche - Lodro Thaye

Reflections on Ground Mahamudra – Jamgon Kongtrul – Vajra Song

Since no essence exists anywhere, Its expression is completely unobstructed and manifests everything. Pervading all of samsara and nirvana like space, It is the ground of all confusion and liberation, With its self-luminous consciousness And its alaya-vijnana. As for the cognitive aspect of this neutral state, Its essence is empty and its nature is luminous. […]

Reflections on Ground Mahamudra – Jamgon Kongtrul – Vajra Song Read Post »

Having a lot of baggage
General Buddhism

Faith and Emptiness

It seems that for many people the word ‘Faith’ is problematic. Formany people, the reason why is become of the negative connotationsthat they have with that term. For some, that is based on badexperiences they had with previous religious affiliations, or contactwith those of other religions. For some, it is because they wish thisreligion of

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Guru Rinpoche - Padmasambhava

Verse 27 – Self-Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness – Karma Lingpa / Padmasambhava

Because of the unobstructed nature of the mind, there is a continuous arising of appearances.Like the waves and the waters of the ocean, which are not two (different things),Whatever arises is liberated into the natural state of the mind.However many different names are applied to it in this unceasing process of naming things,With respect to

Verse 27 – Self-Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness – Karma Lingpa / Padmasambhava Read Post »

Frozen Bubble

Clarity and Emptiness

How dreamlike is this life …. Bringing experiences to mind from the past – they are like shimmering dreams, with a life of their own, never quite the same, and seemingly not like the experience in the present which seemed to inspire them. And that experience in the present, which had previously seemed so solid

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The solidity of the dualistic divide
General Buddhism


Hi all – I’ve just got back from an enforced trip to the other side of the world, and am happy to receive so many kind messages regarding my absence, and happy to be back posting 🙂 Just a short reflection – I necessarily had to spend a couple of weeks in an environment where

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Frozen ice bubble

2 Days Later

Outside of meditation, reflecting now, 2 days later … did those thoughts arise at all? Where are they? … Are they any different in nature from the dream I had last night? Where has that gone? They both had a sense of ‘realness’ at the time, but what substance remains of either? Both resonate, and

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