how things really are

Samsara and Nirvana - the Wheel of Life

Samsara and Nirvana

Where does the unsatisfactoriness of life come from? How is it that we experience pain or sorrow, frustration or unhappiness? What is the cause of experience of life as being imperfect? It’s all just a matter of perspective! The experience of Samsara Misunderstanding the nature of things we experience suffering. This is the experience of

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Padmasambhava / Guru Rinpoche

Verse 4 – Self-Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness – Karma Lingpa / Padmasambhava

Emaho! It is the single (nature of) mind which encompasses all of Samsara and Nirvana. Even though its inherent nature has existed from the very beginning, you have not recognized it; Even though its clarity and presence has been uninterrupted, you have not yet encountered its face. Even though its arising has nowhere been obstructed,

Verse 4 – Self-Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness – Karma Lingpa / Padmasambhava Read Post »

Deep Stillness and Contentment
General Buddhism

Just That

Yesterday in a place of worship ‘belonging’ to a different religion to my own, I noticed so many things about the nature of things, and the nature of those who wish to embrace and understand how things are. So many reflections came up, shedding light on my own practice and tradition, viewed as a result

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15th century skeleton painting
General Buddhism

Death Is So Close

Driving in to work this morning, it really struck me how close to death we all are. Flying along the road, I was continually inches away from crashing into another car. One momentary misjudgement, on anyone of a hundred different drivers part, and the result would have been dramatic. More than that …. how many

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The Parable of the Raft

Not Resting

How tempting it is for the mind to grasp onto what is directly perceived, and to ossify it into necessarily rigid and falsifying concepts. The raft of skilful use of conceptual understanding is a tricky one to ride, and one which seems to hold much potential for misuse. The Buddha described the Dharma as being

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