
Calypso 2 painting by David Kessler

Everything In Place

S’funny how from here, right now, it seems like everything is in place, is in exactly the right place! The practice = Chod The teachings = Mahamudra The teacher = Shangpa Rinpoche The lineage = Karma Kagyu What more could I need? Every circumstance that presents itself, whatever it is, I already have all that […]

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Zen monk meditating
Vajrayana Zen

Is Zen Vajrayana?

Hi, is Zen considered a Vajrayana ‘way’? I would say that it isn’t when considered by the most important criteria. If the major factor which distinguishes the Vajrayana from Mahayana and Hinayana is the fact that it uses the result as the path, whereas the other two yanas use the cause as the path, then

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