
Patience painting by Gaïdg


I will wait. Waiting in the face of the unpleasant, the difficult, the challenging. Waiting in the face of uncertainty, confusion and disorientation. Patience – bearing with that which is hard to bear. Allowing things to be, however they are. Not trying to grasp it and force it to be other. Allowing a young plant […]

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Hermann Hesse
General Buddhism

What Would I Do?

That’s what I would do …. I would wait. One of my strongest memories of Hermann Hesse’s novel Siddhartha, is of a part where the character Siddhartha is asked what can he do … what skills does he have. And Siddhartha’s reply was: I can fast, I can think, and I can wait. SiddharthaHermann Hesse

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Dakini with Blessings for the Ocean by Lasha Mutual

Dakinis of Coincidence

The more you practice, the more it happens. Things in the ‘outside’ world start reflecting your inner world. Auspicious Co-Incidence. Dependent Origination. Sitting meditating yesterday, eyes half open, facing out the window. In my meditation, Dakinis swirling like a snow storm, a whirlwind of Enlightened energy. Right then, at that point, outside the window, a

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Amitabha in Sukhavati Pure Land

Eden, Mind and Karma

A question asking that: Christians will get to Eden because that is what their mind knows. So does that mean that I can visit Eden too if I meditate on it? To address your question indirectly – when ***** says: Because the only world we know is what the mind knows. There’s really nothing out

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