true nature

Samsara and Nirvana - the Wheel of Life

Samsara and Nirvana

Where does the unsatisfactoriness of life come from? How is it that we experience pain or sorrow, frustration or unhappiness? What is the cause of experience of life as being imperfect? It’s all just a matter of perspective! The experience of Samsara Misunderstanding the nature of things we experience suffering. This is the experience of

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Marpa Lotsawa

Marpa’s Teaching from Saraha in a Dream

Compassion and emptiness are inseparable. This uninterrupted flowing innate mind Is suchness, primordially pure. Space is seen in intercourse with space. Because the root resides at home, Mind consciousness is imprisoned. Meditating on this, subsequent thoughts Are not patched together in the mind. Knowing the phenomenal world is the nature of mind, Meditation requires no

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