a Dzogchen / Mahamudra blog

Three Asparas at Angkor Wat

The Tao is a Silent Flower

I’ve been contemplating the poem ‘The Tao is a Silent Flower’ in meditation recently – space, time, form and emptiness:

The Tao is a silent flower which blooms through the night,

But the night through which it blooms is the flower itself.

No Tao, no flower, no bloomer, no night.

And for this reason, it blooms.

Raymond Smullyan
The Tao is Silent
Ying Yang symbol of Taoism, and the poem Tao is a Silent Flower
Ying Yang symbol of Taoism


The Eight Extremes – Nagarjuna’s Madhyamaka teaching


As Many Buddhas As There May Be In Any World


  1. I believe the poem above was written by Raymond Smullyan and appears in the first edition of 'The Tao is Silent'

  2. Hello,

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    Bowing to All,


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